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*) Single room can be considered a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom or any room.
In the case of stays with integrated kitchen or with a surface area greater than 25 m2, a surcharge of 30 euros is considered.


(°) To be agreed on the basis of the size of the apartment. Generally, starting from the basic price of a four-room apartment, a surcharge of € 30 is considered for each additional room.



In addition to the two architectural solutions you can ask for a third solutions at a cost that equals to 50% of the rate.

The lighting design and the electrical wiring layout are offered at the cost reported in the page “offer”. They are provided only as additional service to the online project.

By additional solution we mean a solution that is added to the two provided, which will be valued at an additional cost equal to 50% of the initial rate.

The lighting project and the wiring diagram are offered only in addition to the online project.


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If you are interested in an online project, or in a more complete interior design service, contact POLIEDRO.


PAYMENT: You pay in advance only 50% of the cost of the selected service. The final payment is required at the end of the second phase and only if our service meets customer satisfaction.


  Ask Poliedro for the bank details


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Poliedro "architetto online" offre servizi online in campo architettonico.

POLIEDRO DESIGN di  Dr. ing. Massimo Manni
ha sede in San Donato Milanese, MI, 20097, Via Europa 7 
Tel: 393 60 90 923

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